When I first realized I wanted to be an author, I found that I was easily overwhelmed by the extreme learning curve I had before me. And it wasn’t just stuff you had to learn, but also execute every day
Cover Reveal for The Lost One
From Druggie to Angel: The Story of Michaela's Evolution
Back in 2008, I hit a speed bump. I was freshman in college and thousands of miles away from my family. It was Christmas break, and I had just learned my flight home was delayed. I was depressed and seriously
Sh!t I Learned Today – It's all just a big pile of it
The Hunted One is going live!!!

Thank you all so much for your support during this journey. To keep the information all in one spot, here are buy links and current giveaways! Amazon: Print Link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Hunted-One-Days-Volume/dp/1494754835/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389898156&sr=8-1&keywords=the+hunted+one+meg+collett Digital: http://www.amazon.com/Hunted-One-End-Days-ebook/dp/B00HWFLY9C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1390249442&sr=8-1&keywords=the+hunted+one Barnes and Noble: Digital: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-hunted-one-meg-collett/1118047721?ean=2940148278856 Book Tour
The Road to a Novel: World and Character Building
“The Hunted One” was a long, slow evolution. Looking back over the six years it took me to write the book, I don’t recall any great flashes of inspiration. However, I do remember lots of frustration and half-finished versions of
Doubling or Tripling Your Number of Categories on Amazon
An Introduction to my Debut Novel, The Hunted One
I remember the exact day I started writing my debut novel, The Hunted One. It was Christmas Break in 2008. At the time I lived in Texas, where I went to Baylor University on an equestrian scholarship. I planned to