Title: The Only One Series: End of Days #3 Author: Meg Collett Audience: New Adult Genre: Paranormal Romance Formats: E-book and Paperback Cover by: Adrienne McNellis Photography Editor: Elizabeth Phelps Released: June 30, 2014 Synopsis In the final installment
Sh!t I Learned Today: Facebook is NOT Fun
When I first realized I wanted to be an author, I found that I was easily overwhelmed by the extreme learning curve I had before me. And it wasn’t just stuff you had to learn, but also execute every day
Sh!t I Learned Today: How To Smash Words!
When I first realized I wanted to be an author, I found that I was easily overwhelmed by the extreme learning curve I had before me. And it wasn’t just stuff you had to learn, but also execute every day
Sh!t I Learned Today: Don’t Get Complacent with your MONEY!
When I first realized I wanted to be an author, I found that I was easily overwhelmed by the extreme learning curve I had before me. And it wasn’t just stuff you had to learn, but also execute every day
Sh!t I Learned Today: Advertising Sites that Work
When I first realized I wanted to be an author, I found that I was easily overwhelmed by the extreme learning curve I had before me. And it wasn’t just stuff you had to learn, but also execute every day
I Quit My Job and Made A New Year's Resolution
It has been my life-long dream to be a writer (the kind that actually makes a living at it). For nearly six years, I worked on my first novel, “The Hunted One,” which will be released January 17, 2014. And
Mark T. Conard
Meet Mark T. Conard. Not to be confused with Mark Conard. If you email [email protected], you will get a kindly older gentleman who sets you straight on your error and directs you to [email protected]. My bad. Sorry, bro. Mark T.
Meet Elaine Calloway
Meet Elaine Calloway! I had the chance to ask Elaine some questions about her career and the Elemental Clan series she pens. Elaine has lots of good advice and experience, so you will want to read this one! Enjoy 🙂
Creation – The Making Of Gabriel
***Since 2008, I have worked on my current novel, The Hunted One. I’ve rewritten it countless times, tossed thousands and thousands of words to the side. None of it was right. But this story haunted me. I could never leave
Meet Amy Good
I. Am. So. Excited. To feature Amy Good this week! She has such a wonderful, exciting story to tell, and I can’t wait for you all to read it. Check, check, check it outtttttt… 1. How did you get