Meg Collett’s Reviewers Club


Guess what? I’m the only indie author in the world who doesn’t have a street team. Why? Because they stress me out! Instead, I have a wonderful group of folks who love getting all my books pre-release and reviewing them for me! There are no deadlines to review. Occasionally, I will host giveaways just for this group, but you should sign up because you love supporting indie authors and reviewing their books.

This is a very select group, but if you would like to be involved…

Send me an email! Put “Reviewers Club Application” in the subject line. Right now, there IS a waiting list.


I need the following information from you:

1. Your Amazon reviewer name (This is what appears beside reviews that you leave on Amazon. Typically, it’s your Amazon username).

2. A good email to send important Reviewers Club emails to. All books are emailed out well in advance of the release date. They are included in these emails as links to download the mobi/epub files. These emails are very important for you to open because ALL giveaway information and winners are included as well as release dates.

3. Your Kindle email. If you prefer to not download the book files, I can send the mobi files straight to your Kindle! This is done automatically each time a new book goes out.

4. Let me know if you’ve reviewed any of my other books and send me the links!

That’s it 🙂 Sounds great, right? Free books!


Rules of the club:

1. I retain the right to kick anyone out at any time without notice. Sharing my books without permission is the best way to get dumped. I’m a very fair and relaxed person. I trust all my RC members to respect my book babies.

2. There are NO DEADLINES to my Reviewers Club. That means you don’t have to get a review back to me by a certain time. Like I said, I’m a very relaxed person. Just let me know if you’re opting out of any book by sending a quick email. Any reason is accepted! I just need to know you’re still participating in the club.

3. Stay in communication! If I don’t hear from you or see any activity in the club, I will remove you from the list to make room for someone else.