A year and a half ago, in March of 2012 my mom, Kristina sat down and typed out the opening chapter in what would eventually become The Sowing, the first book in the Seeds trilogy. She emailed it to me
So a few weeks ago, I met this blogger named Charli when she totally and embarrassingly schooled me on Twitter. I refuse to share the tweets here as I am still licking my wounds. Squinting eyes at you, Charli.
The sun began its ascent above the horizon; fiery orange tendrils reached out across the ruins of the warehouse. As its light bathed the wreckage in a golden hue, it drew the focus on my greatest failure, my greatest shame.
I met Nicol a few weeks ago, and I was immediately struck by her kindness and sincerity. She is a talented aspiring writer with a heart of gold, and I jumped on the opportunity to profile her on my blog.
***Since 2008, I have worked on my current novel, The Hunted One. I’ve rewritten it countless times, tossed thousands and thousands of words to the side. None of it was right. But this story haunted me. I could never leave