Would you like to share your story? If so, I would love to tell it! I feature writers both published and unpublished, editors, bloggers, etc. Send me an email at [email protected] with “Blog Profile” in the subject line. It may take me a few days to get back to you, but I promise I will try.

In your email, tell me a littleĀ about yourself. I want to hear about your ups and downs in the industry, and how you dealt/dealing with them. I want to hearĀ about one moment during you career where someone has really helped you by supporting you or encouraging you.

This blog is not just about the success stories, but the stories still in the making. So please don’t see this as some huge promotional blog feature. Instead it is an opportunity to pay it forward and encourage someone else with your words. We all need to hear that we are not alone. This is an opportunity to help someone who might be needing to hear your words at that moment.

Thank you!

xo Meg

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